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Looks like a credit card, works like a check.

VISA CheckCardThe debit card eliminates the need for checks or cash to make purchases anywhere you find the VISA logo on a point-of-sale terminal. Markets, restaurants, gas stations, shops and stores everywhere regularly accept debit cards. The purchase is debited directly from your Vida FCU checking account with the merchant's name and address appearing on your statement for reference. Just remember to record the transactions in your register as you would a check purchase.

The VISA Debit Card also offers you the same fast and easy convenience of an ATM card, 24-hours a day, 7 days a week. You can make cash withdrawals of up to $500 per day (subject to your available account balance or Opt-In for Visa Debit Card and ATM Overdraft Protection) at ATMs worldwide. Click here for a list of non-surcharge ATM locations.

In addition, you can view all your VISA Debit Card transactions online via our Mobile App, Internet Banking and Card Valet service. It's safe, easy and very, very convenient! Call or text us at (909) 983-1959 for an application or email us for more information.

Visa Debit Card and ATM Overdraft Protection

Opting-in your VISA Debit Card with PayAssure avoids the hassle of declined VISA ® Debit Card transactions or you can get cash from the ATM even when funds are not available. Opting-In your Visa Debit Card protects against those embarrassing situations that can cause stress or negatively impact your credit and covers debit card transactions up to your limit.

Opt-in to PayAssure Today


For your security, please sign the back panel of your card immediately. To protect you from unauthorized use of your card, your card must be activated. To activate and set a PIN, simply call 800-992-3808 and follow the prompts.

Lost/Stolen Card

If you lose your VISA debit card or it is stolen (or your account is otherwise compromised), you can report it on a special 24-hour emergency hotline, regardless of the time of day or night. In the United States, call our Fiserv Network support team at 800-472-3272. 

Be prepared to provide the following:

  • Name of your credit union
  • Your first and last name
  • Verify last 4 digits of your SS#
  • Phone number
  • Provide information on whether card was lost or stolen

The representative will review recent card activity with you and inform you that you will receive follow-up directly from the credit union within two business days. Any additional necessary information will be handled by Vida FCU. You can also email Vida FCU and advise us of your after-hours report by using our contact form. Please be sure to provide us information on the best way to reach you to follow-up on your card concerns.

To dispute a transaction on your VISA Debit Card, call 844-880-0730.

Important Numbers

Lost or Stolen VISA Debit Cards (US)
(800) 472-3272
Lost or Stolen VISA Debit Cards (International)
(909) 941-1398 (collect)